THE further delays notified in The Hunts Post create doubt in anything the county council or the contractors say about completion of the above. Delay is followed by delay and excuse follows excuse. On their past record we will be lucky to have this up a

THE further delays notified in The Hunts Post create doubt in anything the county council or the contractors say about completion of the above. Delay is followed by delay and excuse follows excuse.

On their past record we will be lucky to have this up and running by the end of 2010. The completion is already six months behind the scheduled date. One must feel sorry for the bus operators, particularly Stagecoach, who at least delivered their part of the contract on time. Who is paying for the overrun costs? No doubt the taxpayer as usual. When will the local authorities and contractors be held responsible, financially, for these unacceptable delays?


Burleigh Road

St Ives