YOUR article Pleas over parking costs have fallen on deaf ears (July 16) makes alarming reading, with Councillor Bates arguing that only Huntingdon has complained and then going on to try to justify the increased costs by referring to the benefit of usi

YOUR article "Pleas over parking costs have fallen on deaf ears" (July 16) makes alarming reading, with Councillor Bates arguing that only Huntingdon has complained and then going on to try to justify the increased costs by referring to the benefit of using only one coin - how have we coped over all these years? - competing with the railway station (we don't have one in St Ives) and employing external transport consultants, who no doubt were paid a substantial sum for their report.

Councillor Bates and the senior councillors would do well to remember the last elections to the St Ives Town Council, where the majority of the councillors were not seen by the electorate to represent the views of the majority in connection with the Corn Exchange and lost their seats.

We have had a enough of price increases with a Council Tax rise of five per cent, massive rises in the cost of petrol, gas, electricity, food and mortgages. Rethink this decision before it is too late.


Burleigh Road

St Ives