IN my letter and accompanying photograph last January I was worried that the Environment Agency s new green barrages were blocking the sluices on the river at Godmanchester. At the time, the Environment Agency claimed that their new barrages had no effect

IN my letter and accompanying photograph last January I was worried that the Environment Agency's new green barrages were blocking the sluices on the river at Godmanchester.

At the time, the Environment Agency claimed that their new barrages had no effect on the water flow and they discounted my fear that they would increase the risk of flooding on the Causeway.

However, contractors have recently been back and totally revamped the barrage.

My new photograph shows that the barrage is now set much further away from the sluice and the floats are mounted much higher so that they can rise with the river level.

I suppose it would be churlish to ask how much money was wasted in doing the job twice, but at least it looks safer now and - whatever the earlier claims - the Environment Agency has put things right.

I have no doubt that the change of stance was due entirely to the publicity you gave it, and I am grateful to you for that.

DAVID SIMMONS, Middlemiss View, Godmanchester