I WOULD like to thank everyone who gave so generously to the annual Poppy Appeal collection in Huntingdon. The total collected so far is £19,146.71 which is another record amount. I would also like to thank those that gave their time and facilities to ena

I WOULD like to thank everyone who gave so generously to the annual Poppy Appeal collection in Huntingdon. The total collected so far is £19,146.71 which is another record amount.

I would also like to thank those that gave their time and facilities to enable this to be collected - both Tesco and Sainsbury's supermarkets allowed collectors within their stores, which brought in over half the total raised, and the collectors who volunteered to be there to collect, especially the local veteran from WW2 that gave four hours of his time every day for the entire duration of Remembrance.

Help was also given by the uniformed service men and women from RAF Brampton, which proved immensely popular with everyone, and presents in the form of chocolate were seen to be donated to these very inspiring collectors.

The three lovely gentlemen that help every year to deliver poppy boxes to businesses were there again to help and the regular collectors for the house-to-house collections also joined the team.

The ones that tend to be forgotten are those groups, organisations and societies that always order their poppy wreaths to be laid on Remembrance Sunday, which of course is an enormous part of the "act of remembering" and also provides further income for the appeal.

All monies raised go to help the serving and ex-service community in many different ways, and once again the residents of Huntingdon have proved immensely generous.

The only low point was the boxes that were stolen from Tesco's petrol station and W H Smith.

Grateful thanks to everyone


Poppy Appeal organiser for Huntingdon

Royal British Legion