ELEVEN draft proposals have been drawn up by the Department for Transport to improve the A14 in Cambridgeshire as well as public transport and the flow of freight traffic.

The proposals – published following a public consultation – include six draft proposals for the A14, three draft public transport improvement packages and two draft freight improvement packages.

The A14 shortlist also includes suggestions about improvements to the A428 as well as introducing tolls.

The road options suggested in the DfT’s report are:

1. Building a Huntingdon southern bypass which would rejoin the A14 between Galley Hill and Trinity Foot (Swavesey). The A14 would then be widened to Bar Hill with enhancements to the Girton interchange. Existing A14 downgraded between Brampton Hut A1(M) and Hemingford-Trinity Foot.

2. As above but the Huntingdon southern bypass would be for east-west trips only. North-south trips would remain on the A14. This would avoid upgrading the A1(M) junction.

3. A road for local traffic running parallel to A14 between Trinity Foot (or Galley Hill) and Girton. Improvements at Girton interchange.

4. As above but with also a Huntingdon southern bypass which would join the A14 south-east of Fenstanton. Again the bypass would be for east-west traffic and north-south trips would remain on the A14.

5. This option would have a shorter Huntingdon southern bypass – from west of Brampton Hut to the A1198 (Godmanchester). The A1198 would be upgraded to Caxton Gibbet and traffic would use the A428 to Girton. There would also be a new link road to the M11(S) and upgraded A428 (W) at Girton. This would push strategic traffic on the A428 and allow for downgrading of A14.

6. As above but the Huntingdon southern bypass would be for east-west trips only. North-south trips would remain on the A14.

The DfT report adds: “We will assess the merits of these six broad options during the weeks ahead and will also carefully consider the scope for road improvements to be part-funded through tolling.”

The highways element of any proposals would be mixed with a review of public transport and improvements, and rail freight enhancements of the Nuneaton to Felixstowe line.

Roads Minister Mike Penning said: “The Government is committed to increasing capacity and improving performance on the A14. Following a study, I have today (Thursday) published details of 11 road, freight and public transport improvement options which we are investigating further.

“Road users, businesses and local communities have all been closely consulted, helping to highlight the key issues and coming up with solutions to improve this key transport corridor. Together I am confident we will identify a preferred package of improvements this summer.

“We do not believe that, on its own, a simple road building solution is likely to be the best option. That’s why local knowledge and understanding in areas such as public transport, local roads, freight facilities and land use development is vital to enrich the final package.”