I’M not one that normally writes in but I was so moved by Angel’s poster about keeping the rest of St Ives golf course green that I wanted to let her know that her voice is not alone and many of us support her desire to keep this place as a green area to protect nature.

Many St Ivians believe that it is a done deal and that houses will be built here, but this is not the case. The only deal that has been done is between Huntingdonshire District Council officers, landowners and developers, behind closed doors.

There has been no planning application and the last Core Strategy did not allocate any specific sites for housing, it only identified housing west of St Ives, this could mean new housing at Wyton on the Hill, which is west of St Ives.

You might have heard how St Ives will benefit from a new ‘country park’. This means we will have lost over half of this special green space and instead we will have a newly developed and manufactured green park. How can this be better than what we have now?

Angel’s clear message of wishing to keep this area green and natural can become a reality if we send a clear message to Angel’s grandfather and his colleagues. We could ask the town council to develop a neighbourhood plan and ask that this space is designated as ‘Local Green Space’ – the Government has given us, the local community, the power to protect green spaces which are important to us.

Or we could apply to register this space under the Town and Village Greens Act.

It’s inspirational that Angel has shown such a passion for nature and wanting to protect this valuable green area. Do we really know what we are doing and passing on to Angel and the next generation after that?

If you agree with Angel’s message let’s make our voice heard, contact her grandfather at John.davies@huntingdonshire.gov.uk to show her our support.


Ramsey Road

St Ives