AN outstanding Ofsted report has been delivered to Needingworth Community Pre-School – on all aspects of the school. The school has been given the top rating throughout. This includes: helping children to be healthy, keeping children safe, helping childre

AN outstanding Ofsted report has been delivered to Needingworth Community Pre-School - on all aspects of the school.

The school has been given the top rating throughout. This includes: helping children to be healthy, keeping children safe, helping children to achieve and enjoy what they do, helping children make a positive contribution, and for the pre-school's organisation, management and its partnership with parents.

The report said children enjoyed excellent levels of physical activity including outdoor play, music and movement, sports day and pancake races. They enjoyed a healthy diet with fresh fruit and vegetables.

It says: "Children arrive at the pre-school eager to see their friends, share their news and join the group. They separate easily from their carers and quickly settle down at registration time."

The report notes the play hospital, including pens and a telephone for the "receptionist" and the early teaching of maths with songs and teddies. It says "children behave extremely well."

It adds that parents play an integral part in the group, forming the management committee, raising funds and volunteering to help.

INFORMATION: Needingworth Community Pre-School has 52 children on the roll aged between two to five, including some with learning difficulties.