The Age UK Day Centre in Huntingdon - described as a "lifeline" for the older community - has been forced to close after its main funding source was withdrawn.

The closure comes after Cambridgeshire County Council took the decision to use the day centre funding on other community services.

A spokesperson for Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough said: "Very sadly the Ambury Road Day Centre, which has been offered to many older people over more than 20 years has closed."

Now, the funding cut has left staff and users of the day centre deep with worry over where else they can go for care and support.

"We are devastated that the service, which had been a lifeline for so many older people, providing regular social interaction, closed. We are working with older people and their families to seek alternative provisions."

Age UK said the county council's decision to pull the plug on funding is the reason for closure.

"This is due to a significant cut in grant funding from Cambridgeshire County Council, meaning the service is unviable," said the spokesperson. 

"Generally, charities are struggling across the country and the ability to top up statutory funding is not possible without large donations."

The Hunts Post contacted Cambridgeshire County Council to ask why the day centre funding has been cut.

A spokesperson responded: "There has not been a reduction in funding, the money available is now used in a different way to offer people more choice and control."

"Since June 2023, we have been working to improve the way we deliver day opportunities for older people in our communities.

"We have engaged with people we support, their families, and local providers.

"Based on what they have told us we now provide funding for a wider range of community based groups, clubs and services."

Cambridgeshire County Council has maintained that it will work with those affected by the closure of the day centre to find alternative care for them.

"Where the service people previously used has changed, we are working with them and a greater range of local providers to find the right alternative opportunities for them."

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